Annales Mathématiques Africaines

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Convergence de la solution de l’équation de Burgers visqueuse non homogène vers une solution stationnaire

Hisao Fujita YASHIMA 1), Nardjes TROUDI 2) et Naima KHELOUFI3)
École Normale Supérieure de Constantine, Algérie

Mathematics Subject Classification: (MSC 2010) 35K59, 35B4; 42A75
Key words : Nonhomogeneous viscous Burgers equation, asymptotic behavior, convergence to the stationary solution.


We  consider  the  nonhomogeneous  viscous  Burgers  equation   tu + u∂xu = ε∂x2u + ε2μsinx on and prove that there exists a number μ > 0 such that, if |μ| < μ, then the solution of this equation converges for t →∞ to the stationary solution u(x) = εw(x) with w(x) which does not depend on ε. To prove it, we transform the equation into a linear parabolic equation and prove the convergence of the solution of the latter equation for t →∞.

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